Sunday, December 7, 2008

Our very own Christmas tree

Alright i have no idea what to do. So i will just start by talking about our first Christmas tree. I was so excited to go get one as soon as possible but Jim made me wait till after Thanksgiving. We went out on the 1st to go buy one. Well when we got there we realized we had no idea what we were doing. There were so many kinds and sizes. We were so lost. But lucky for us some family friends came to get their tree. We ended up just following them around and doing what they did. It worked though because we have the best tree around. But man trying to get it to our second floor apartment...Jim said it was really hard. I wouldnt know, it looked to heavy for me. After we finally got it all set up we started to decorate but ran out of lights. Give me a break i had never done this before. So our little date night turned into an adventure. Now it is all done and wonderful. But i did have to take away some candy canes when Jim wasnt looking. He got a little carried away.


Jenny J said...

you are ridiculously cute!
i seriously love you guys.

The Nedrys said...

Great post! I remember when we got out first tree. Welcome to the blogging world!