Thursday, April 29, 2010

Belly Pictures

So I have not be a very good blogger lately. You would think that I would be great because anytime I am home I am just sitting on the couch, but no. I have so much to catch up on with all the things that we have been doing. But I figure I would start with belly pictures.These might be the last ones we take seeing as I am 37 1/2 weeks and dialated to 1 (its not much but hey its a start)And trust me there has been no shortage of pictures during my pregnancy. We went with our photographer (my mom) to a park by our house and let her loose. She was very good at being quick and Jim was amazing as always with just going with the flow and letting us do whatever we want without much complaining. (The cute pictures of him kissing my belly are forbidden to be blogged, but atleast he took them.)


Chelsie Wilde said...

Those are So cute, your mom did a great job! We cant wait until she is here! 2 1/2 weeks!!

LouiseAW said...

My favorite is the one by the water. We are so excited to come and 'play with the baby'. Thanks for posting them.