Sunday, March 15, 2009

Jam Time

This past Wednesday me and my mum got together to make some jam. I was so excited because I am a homemade jam addict. We would have been out completely out but luckily Jims mum saved me with some wonderful peach jam. So now I have jam for ages.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Busy Busy Bees

I know I said I was going to be better, but I have been trying to keep really busy so I don’t have to sit and miss my hubby. Well I defiantly got what I asked for. Now I would much rather sit then do what I have been up to. First up: tennis. It started as a fun, one a week play date with some girls. Now I’m running and sweating, and running and actually having to work out. This was defiantly not in my plan. It was just suppose to be relaxing hit the ball once in a while and learn the rules. My legs hurt. Second: Primary. Yes that’s right, I’m primary secretary. Now most of the time this wouldn’t be that bad. But oh no, not for me. So let’s just say our ward hasn’t had a secretary for about 7 months (long story) which means no rolls, no rosters, no class schedules, no order, no systems of any kind. I think I passed out when I was asked to do everything. So enter me, kids screaming, crying, yelling, talking, making every noise possible all at once. Now I know im not a mother so maybe I expect more from them then those of you with real life experience. But GIVE ME A BREAK! They can hold “IT” for an hour, they can sit still, they can be quite they don’t have to poke the person in front of them, they don’t have to take off their clothes, play with themselves…yes play with themselves, lay on the ground or run away! Help! Any suggestions are welcome.

Oh yeah Jim…he’s working, just working and always working.